Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Durga Puja of West Bengal

Durga Pratina of Belur Math, Howrah

According to Hindu Mythology, Goddess Durga’s miraculous arrival was the tyranny of a demon named Mahishasura. Mahishasur's father Rambha, was King of the Asuras, once fell in love with a Water Buffalo and Mahishasur was born out of this union. He, therefore was able to change between human and buffalo form at will ("Mahisha" means Buffalo). Despite being a demon (the word asura means "Not-God" and does not have as strong a negative connotation as "Demon"), Mahishasura was also pious in meditation. He earned the invincible strength and favor of Lord Shiva after a hard penance and terrific austerities. Lord Shiva, impressed with his devotion, blessed him that no man or deity would be able to kill him and that only a woman can kill him. Mahishasura was very pleased with this boon as he thought that he can never be defeated by a woman. Arrogant Mahishasura started his reign of terror over the Universe and started killing people mercilessly. He even attacked the Abode of the Gods and conquered the heaven and desired to become their leader.